Anonymous Testimonial
Human Resources Director
I won't beat around the bush: we had a seminar that exceeded all our expectations thanks to the wonderful work you did.
I want to thank you and congratulate you. (...) Because you lived through the whole process leading upto this seminar, you know better than anyone that we overcame many obstacles together to get there. You offered me an enthusiastic and efficient support to get the idea accepted and carried out your mission successfully by allowing us to reach multiple objectives such as initiating the innovation process, to concretize the capacity of all participants to be creative when working together through a rigorous process, to strengthen the bonds between the team members through an enthusiastic and humorous animation and a particular care given to the respect of our very pragmatic culture.
On a personal note, I particularly appreciated your professionalism, your listening skills, your good humor and, last but not least, the fact that you were never politically correct.