When Imagination takes over, the Future suddenly looks brighter!
Why can't we just "change the world", or even, like the revolutionaries of the last turn of the century, dream about doing so?
Because we are locked into two major crisis.
"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."
We design and facilitate customised sessions to bring you the methods as well as the mindsets for unconventional Wisdom, Radical (back to roots) Thinking, and the vital disciplines of Efficient and Creative Thinking, indispensable for Human beings to master their Destiny in the face of Automation, Artificial Intelligence and other issues of our times.
Deliverables: Getting unstuck, Escaping the Same Old Solutions (S.O.S), finding radical options, empowering your Transformative Visions, Dreams, Utopias and turning them into strategies.
Today's challenges call for us to tap on all of the Creativity and Knowledge at our disposal. They require a Creative - even "Revolutionary" - Thinking.
To shape the Future for the best, it is vital to move away from just recognising standard situations and provide standard answers.
We need to think BIG and Different.
Creative Imagination delivers the next generation of visionary ideas, wealth-creating concepts and Transformation strategies that pulls us away from the idea that progress is about solving the problems of the Past.
For us, it is much more about "problem dissolution".
It is about shifting paradigms, opening new paths towards the Future, "seeing" possibilities that encompass our Desires and Hopes for a transformed Future. It's also about daring to DREAM because dreaming the Future can create the Future.
We may have no idea how to do it. But somehow, thanks to a Transformative Vision, we can make the impossible possible.
Faced with the enormity of the changes needed, we must continue to dream about the world we want to create. Only by setting that horizon, can we create a world that is truly better than the one we live in today. And disrupt the system with a Purpose.
This attitude is inspired by the great scientist Buckminster Fuller who said:
"You never change things by fighting the existing Reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
We master rich and meaningful ways to help you think with unlimited Imagination, bold Creativity and efficiency to design innovative ways forward and shape your Future for the best.
Transform how and what you think, alone and in groups, revisit your assumptions and worldviews, change the stories you tell ourselves to change the way you shape the world.
We are known and renowned Experts in State-of-the-Art, time-tested, proven around the world Thinking methods. We have gained extensive international experience in bringing "Serious Creativity" ® and Creative Imagination to individuals and teams (through Advice, Training, Facilitation of Strategic Creative Sessions and Expert Assistance).
We use and transmit the "Six Thinking Hats"® and "Lateral Thinking"® , both invented by Dr. Edward de Bono, one of the world highest authorities in the field of Creative Thinking. He accredited us as experts in the early nineties.
Beyond the tools, we help the people we work with to acquire the Vital Art of Reperception. A breakthrough in the way they see and think.
This combination is what helped successful innovators, disruptors and Entrepreneurs to become Designers and Shapers of the Future.
Because Visionary Concepts and ideas are the real "Difference Makers". Creativity drives Innovation. The fact is, if you want to innovate and shape the world, don't start with Technology, start with Creative Imagination.
The key rests in the way we look at the world. Creative Imagination is a Mindset assisted by a toolset. Tools and methods are useful, but spirit makes the difference.
We help teams, communities and multi-stakeholder groups to tackle specific issues or a situation with the Shapership Altitude Attitude: Radical Authenticity, Creative Imagination and Unconventional Wisdom. That allows you to face Reality in creative, visionary and sometimes revolutionary ways:
You are welcome to make contact if you wish to have a conversation and meet us. We are friendly, funny, informal and professional!
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You are welcome to make contact if you wish to have a conversation and meet us. We are friendly, funny, informal and professional!