We intervene during plenary sessions, seminars, incompanies, inter-companies (TEDX, APM, Business Clubs, prestiges, unions...) and for public events. We talk about what we know and practice :-))
Awareness, Lucidity and Desire are the pre-requisite for any constructive action. Engaging an organization or community of people into transformation requires to create constructive conversations that might arise around our conferences.
They are customised with you. You can discover a few themes in our videos. And a specific one here under.
The old world is collapsing while a new one is emerging right before our eyes. Now is therefore a key moment. The decisions we make are designed either to create the Future or to maintain the status, often using the same concept: innovation.
The Paradigm is the Foe.
Why innovate?
You may feel that this question is totally irrelevant because, implicitly, there is a shared belief that Innovation generates a « new » that will be better than what currently exists.
But, without broadened perspectives, we often remain prisoners of the existing paradigm in which all Innovations are
True Innovation is supposed to escape from the current paradigm and lead to actively shape viable and exciting Futures in the long-term.
Why can't we see that?
It is only by broadening our perspectives and envisioning a radically different Future that we can open up a space for a third form of Innovation: Transformative Innovation, which is much more in tune with the changes currently happening in the world.
Based on totally different Visions and values, Transformative Innovation allows to consciously and intentionally shift existing systems towards new patterns of activity suited to build viable Futures, bearer of Inspiration and Hope.
In other words, they allow to disrupt a system with a Purpose.
In a two hour conference, we will present you an approach which allows to open new strategic conversations, to structure the thinking about the Future, to trigger Innovation and to develop the ability to make "conscious" choices.
Of course, this approach will not enable you to "control" the Future but it will help you to imagine it and turn Uncertainty into an ally! Thanks to a simple visual tool, you will discover how to
You are welcome to make contact if you wish to have a conversation and meet us. We are friendly, funny, informal and professional!